Whangarei Girls’ High School
Level 2 Physical Education
Course Description
In Level 2 Physical Education, students explore physical, psychological and social influences on performance and develop their understanding of physical activity and sport. They explore these concepts through both practical experience and theoretical settings, covering a range of topics. This course is made up of a combination of both practical and classroom based learning.
Learning Opportunities
In this course you will need to:
Develop these skills: | Explore this content: |
| - Biophysical principles related to the learning of physical skills.
| - Performing a physical skill in an applied setting.
- Developing a growth mindset.
| - Socio-ecological perspective of a sporting event, physical activity or festival.
| - Leadership strategies that contribute to the effective functioning of a group.
- Movement skills in a range of contexts.
- Analysis of body movements and skill learning.
Year Levels/Departments:
Physical Education, Seniors
Resources Required
PE gear appropriate for physical activity, book, whistle.