Whangarei Girls’ High School Whangarei Girls’ High School

Level 3 Academy - Product and Design

Course Description

Ākonga will gain knowledge and valuable hands-on experience in a workshop, gaining experience on a wide range of tools and machinery. Each ākonga will gain some work experience on a worksite that aligns with their pathway in the industry setting they potentially plan on working in such as joinery, carpentry or construction. 

This course selection takes up two option lines.

Learning Opportunities

In this course you will need to:

Develop these skills:Explore this content:
  • Taking responsibility for professional growth - through active listening, seeking clarification and understanding when needed.
  • Develop competencies in workshop and machine safety.
  • Managing resources to create the projects to complete the industry standards.
  • Use time management strategies to ensure students can manage resources, support and materials.
  • Demonstrates responsibility to complete the requirements for the Industry Based Standards.
  • Workplace visits and trade specific events to explore a range of trade careers.
  • Use workshop technologies in the design & manufacturing of a solution.

Year Levels/Departments:

Academy, Seniors