Whangarei Girls’ High School Whangarei Girls’ High School

Level 3 English Appreciation of Literature and Language*

Course Description

This is a course which enables students to build on their interests and develop their strengths by targeting preferred areas of the curriculum or to catch up on literacy requirements for University Entry or general tertiary study. Students will have the opportunity to complete coursework for assessment that they may have missed in Level 2 alongside those aiming for high achievement at Level 3.

Learning Opportunities

In this course you will need to:

Develop these skills:Explore this content:
  • Develop written personal voice in a range of genres including creative writing and academic literary essay.
  • In-depth study of a written text- Katherine Mansfield, Owen Marshall, Thomas Hardy et al.
  • Think critically about how language techniques can convey meaning in a range of texts.
  • Visual text- feature length film.
  • Write about a theme in depth, using evidence to show how different texts represent it.
  • Explore a range of writing genres, and develop sustained writing for a portfolio.
  • Develop confidence in discussing aspects of language and literature.
  • Co-construct with teacher further courses in visual or oral texts according to strengths and interests.

Year Levels/Departments:

English, Seniors

					Resources Required

Exercise Book.