Whangarei Girls’ High School Whangarei Girls’ High School

Year 10 Creative Digital Technologies

Course Description

Students will be introduced to the process of designing games and characters. They will create an original concept for a game or pick a path, describing the story and showing some of the visual design. The next project will be to make a simple personality quiz game, learning some programming skills with Python or Gamefroot. In the second term, students will select one of the above projects to continue with, and they will develop it further. eg. Character graphics, animated character, working game or pick a path, or programme.

Learning Opportunities

In this course you will need to:

Develop these skills:Explore this content:
  • Digital technologies: develop confidence and skills using a range of digital tools and processes.
  • Concept for a game, character design.
  • Creative thinking: use imagination to produce original ideas and outcomes.
  • Coding introduction to game or pick a path.

  • Design process: explore options, develop ideas, test and evaluate ideas and outcomes.
  • Program with Python.
  • Computational thinking: apply problem solving to code, test and debug programmes.
  • Software applications may include: Photoshop, Flipaclip, Python, Twine, Gamefroot, Scratch.

Year Levels/Departments:

Year 10, Technology

Detailed Course Outline

Resources Required

Clearfile or sketchbook, chromebook or laptop
Weblink - https://sites.google.com/wghs.school.nz/cdtsite/home?authuser=0