
Technology is intervention by design.

With its focus on design thinking, technology education supports students to be innovative, reflective and critical in designing outcomes and tools to benefit people while taking account of their impact on cultural, ethical, sustainable and environmental factors.

Through project based learning students develop knowledge and skills in specific technological areas that can then be combined in a cross curricular manner. Students are able to create, innovate and solve real life problems using textile facilities, hard material workshops, digital modelling platforms, 3D printers, laser cutters, robotics, visual communications and multimedia.

Staff work across facilities, building upon the students' prior knowledge, extending and challenging them and their thinking. Students are encouraged to work collaboratively and to build empathy for any given context through immersing themselves and engaging in the projects.

Digital Technologies

Our young people often arrive at school knowing how to use digital technologies – but today's learners also need to be able to understand and create digital technologies to succeed in further education and the world of work. In our wider economy, businesses struggle to find people with the right skills to drive digital innovation and economic growth – this learning needs to start in the classroom.

All learners should be digitally capable – able to use and create digital technologies to solve problems and take advantage of opportunities. This enables them to be equipped to apply their understanding of digital technologies to all aspects of their lives and careers, whatever path they follow.

Technology brings all the curriculum areas together in a real world context. them

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