Whangarei Girls’ High School
Year 11 Physical Education - Sports Science
Course Description
In the Year 11 Sports Science course, students develop an in-depth understanding of the body’s biomechanical and physiological functioning. Students will learn about the science behind how their body moves/functions in physical settings and how to be more effective in their sport. How an athlete becomes a better performer in their chosen sport/interest. This course is classroom based.
Learning Opportunities
In this course you will need to:
Develop these skills: | Explore this content: |
- Developing a growth mindset
| - Biophysical aspects that influence movement e.g. anatomy, biomechanics, exercise physiology, sports psychology, skill acquisition, nutrition.
| - Socio-cultural aspects that influence movement e.g. whanau, hapu or iwi, accessibility, gender, racism and media.
- Analysis of body movements and functions
| - Te Ao Māori aspects that influence movement e.g. ways creation narratives, pūrākau, and values inform tikanga and participation in movement, the body and tapu, connection between movement and te taiao.
| - Students will explore sports science data, testing and analysis, injuries, technology and training methods.
Year Levels/Departments:
Year 11, Physical Education
Resources Required
Book, PE gear