Whangarei Girls’ High School
Year 11 Spanish - NCEA Pathway
Course Description
In 11 Spanish NCEA Pathway students will continue to develop their communication skills in spoken and written Spanish; exploring ideas beyond the present so that they can convey more complex ideas, including a wider range of vocabulary and expressions. By exploring a variety of relevant topics they will compare and contrast their own surroundings with those in Spanish-Speaking countries and be able to express their own ideas in Spanish. They will continue to develop their cross-cultural awareness as they understand how language and culture are intertwined.
Learning Opportunities
In this course you will need to:
Develop these skills: | Explore this content: |
- Communication skills - how to speak, listen, read and write in more complex Spanish, including past and future ideas.
| - Compare aspects of your own life in New Zealand with life in Spanish-speaking countries - communicate similarities and differences in Spanish.
- Information Use skills - how to choose which words best suit your communication goal and how to arrange them in authentic Spanish sentences.
| - Viewing and listening (films, clips and songs) - communicate your personal response in Spanish.
- Technology Use skills - how to use digital tools to inform, organise and present your language and cultural learning.
| - Giving opinions/preferences in Spanish.
- Systems thinking skills - learn the patterns in the language and apply them accurately to improve communication. Develop further cultural understanding through the study of the language.
| - Making future plans or making excuses in Spanish.
| - Describing past events in Spanish such as holidays.
| - Giving instructions and advice in Spanish.
Year Levels/Departments:
Year 11, Modern Foreign Languages
Resources Required
1 x 1B5 exercise book and a clearfile for handouts