Whangarei Girls’ High School
Level 2 Mathematics with Statistics
Course Description
The ability to understand and interpret data is increasingly valued. This course allows students to complete a statistical investigation and simulation, learn about Trigonometry and Networks and develop their understanding of chance and probability.
Learning Opportunities
In this course you will need to:
Develop these skills: | Explore this content: |
- Critical thinking - Be able to illustrate your mathematical thinking visually and to demonstrate mathematical curiosity by asking mathematical questions.
| - Investigates chance and data through probability models, simulations and a statistical investigation.
- Use and analyse information.
| - Uses the sine and cosine rule to solve problems in non-right angled triangles.
| - Solve problems using Networks.
Year Levels/Departments:
Mathematics, Seniors
Resources Required
2 x 1E5 Exercise Books.
A Casio Graphics FX9750 calculator is strongly recommended