Core Programmes - Year 9
Course Description
SWITCH Core Students select SWITCH core on the enrolment form. SWITCH is for students who wish to be involved in an integrated approach to learning. This learning is driven by ‘big ideas’, and is project based. English, Mathematics, Health, Physical Education, Science and Social Studies will be interconnected through these big ideas. This interwoven curriculum is based on developing learners, leaders and change-makers who use knowledge meaningfully in our local community. SWITCH involves a larger group of students, in a larger classroom with two teachers. The students predominantly stay in this one larger classroom but will access Science laboratories and specialist rooms as required. | Subject Students Select subject specific core on the enrolment form. In subject specific classes, students are taught by subject teachers in each of their learning areas. In Year 9 students will move as a core class group to each of these teachers and their classrooms. For example, students will go to an English classroom, be with an English teacher and learn English, then the students will move to a Mathematics classroom etc. In each of the core classes students will be taught to think critically, work collaboratively and develop their creativity, communication skills and digital literacy. They will work individually, in groups and as a class. Students will learn a wide range of content across these subjects and make links to the community. Students will be encouraged to be active participants in their learning. Teachers provide timely feedback and feedforward to students and their whānau about their learning journey. |
We aim to provide student centred learning environments for all classes, where students are taught by specialist teachers who differentiate the learning to meet the needs of individual students.
Google Classroom is used throughout the school, giving students access to their learning during and outside the timetabled class.