Year 9 Toi Māori (Māori Art)

Course Description

In Year 9 Toi Māori, students will be introduced to the cultural significance of Māori art forms in both traditional and contemporary settings.  Students will learn about the appropriate use of Māori designs, symbols and patterns, using a range of materials to create both 2D and 3D artworks. The Year 9 Toi programme interweaves daily cultural practices such as taumata (Karakia/ngā kupu a ngā Tūpuna/mihimihi/Waiata) and fosters the values of whanaungatanga - others, whakaiti - humility and manaakitanga - respect. 

 ‘Kia whakatōmuri te haere ki mua’ to walk into the future our eyes must be fixed on the past.

Learning Opportunities

In this course you will need to:

Develop these skills:Explore this content:
  • Tikanga when working in a Toi Māori space and when using different taonga/materials (Uku/clay, harakeke/flax, rākau/wood).
  • Elements of Māori Art and design from a mātauranga māori perspective (traditions).
  • Practical skills for creating works of art.

  • Develop an awareness of how their work reflects and transmits Māori ideas.
  • 2D - drawing, painting.

  • How contemporary design expresses Māori ideas about the world.
  • 3D - working with uku/clay, harakeke/muka, feathers.

  • Making kokowai (traditional pigments used for kowhaiwhai.)

  • Identifying traditional and tribal designs used in whakairo (carving).

Resources Required

A4 Visual diary
Pencils (HB,2B,6B) black pilot pens.