Whangarei Girls’ High School Whangarei Girls’ High School

Year 11 Hospitality - Masterchef

Course Description

In 11 Masterchef students use applied academic skills to demonstrate knowledge about ingredients to form well balanced meals that consider food safety, seasonality and sustainably sourced ingredients. The students will critically analyse creative ideas to develop skills in planning, organising and time management in order to present safe and original dishes.

Students may choose a maximum of two food based courses (from Food and Nutrition and Hospitality).

Learning Opportunities

In this course you will need to:

Develop these skills:Explore this content:
  • Creativity- use knowledge of cookery techniques and ingredients to design meals.
  • Demonstrate food safety knowledge and practices.

  • Critical thinking- Analyse and apply knowledge to group tasks and meal planning to fit a set criteria.
  • Inquire into a cookery technique of their choice.

  • Applied academic skills- Read and interpret information, write and change recipes, negotiate pros and cons to problem solve and meet success criteria.
  • Explore meal development.

  • Resource management- manage time, ingredients,  class wide. collaboration, planning tools, internet research to organise projects. 
  • Apply seasonality philosophy.

  • Discover local NZ food producers and their impact on local hospitality industry.

Other Information:

2 practical lessons per timetable cycle.

Year Levels/Departments:

Year 11, Year 11 Food and Hospitality, Foods and Hospitality

					Resources Required

Fully covered shoes