Foods and Hospitality

We see Food and Nutrition as a key subject that will equip our students with sound knowledge of good nutrition and eating habits that they will be able to apply to their everyday life. It teaches students the importance of critical and reflective thinking about social issues towards enabling optimum health, focusing on how students can be empowered both individually and collectively. 

In Food and Nutrition the students work in groups/pairs to prepare healthy and nutritious meals on a budget. They are expected to work together, make decisions and show empathy towards others. 

Students who study Food and Nutrition are expected to be able to:  

-be self motivated and have good time management

-think critically 

-work together with good communication skills

-apply their knowledge in a practical setting

In year 12 and 13 students are assessed using Achievement Standards that are university approved and allow students to gain course endorsement.

This subject has strong cross-curricular links to subjects such as Health Studies, Enterprise and Science. This helps students understand the all encompassing nature of the subject within different contexts.

At Whangarei Girls' High Hospitality is offered from Year11 - 13. This is an industry driven course of Unit Standards delivered through Service IQ. We liaise closely with Tertiary providers and at Year 13 students attend NorthTec to complete a Barista Course and experience a snapshot of life as a tertiary student. 

The Unit Standards are based on applying practical and theoretical knowledge. All topics are directly relevant to real life hospitality situations /contexts.

Students who study Hospitality are expected to be able to:
- Have an understanding of work place safety (taking care of themselves and others)

- Have high standards of personal hygiene

- Use a variety of equipment in a competent manner

- Be self-motivated and have good time management and planning skills

- Work together in a team situation

- Use creative and critical thinking  when problem solving

- interpret and follow recipes of a complex nature ( at Year 13 students are expected to be able to work independently in a practical situation)

The Hotel Industry