Whangarei Girls’ High School
Year 11 Science - Kiwi Kai and Realistic Reproduction
Course Description
Ako/learn about:
- Microbiology food processes and Food/kai biotechnology, specifically fermentation and link in the importance of human culture eg: Māori culture and Rewana bread.
- Our bodies as wāhine - puberty, menstruation/waiwhero, fertility, hormones, being hapū/pregnant, menopause… and much much more!
Matatau/skills on:
- study skills
- answering NCEA questions
- communication
- life skills around your own tinana/body
Learning Opportunities
In this course you will need to:
Develop these skills: | Explore this content: |
- Working as part of a team.
| - Kai production using microbiology knowledge with bacteria and fungi.
- Respecting individual differences.
| - Fermentation to develop niche products with specific qualities and prevention of food poisoning.
- Displaying a positive attitude and sense of self-worth.
| - Human Biology and our: genitalia, internal organs, menstrual cycle - being a wāhine and hormones.
- Locating, reading, analysing and communicating information.
| - Body changes over your lifetime, fertility including pregnancy - growing a pēpē, labour and post pregnancy care for your body.
Year Levels/Departments:
Year 11, Science
Resources Required
Exercise Book