Whangarei Girls’ High School Whangarei Girls’ High School

Level 2 Hospitality

Course Description

In Level 2 Hospitality students will demonstrate knowledge of ingredients and cookery techniques to develop a wide range of dishes that meet food safety and industry presentation standards. Students will use research, technology, reading and writing skills to apply knowledge of cultures around the world.  

Learning Opportunities

In this course you will need to:

Develop these skills:Explore this content:
  • Cookery methods and techniques- a range of different disciplines using a range of ingredients to complete successful dishes that meet industry standards. 
  • Demonstrate food safety knowledge and practices.

  • Interpersonal skills- collaborative team work when practising for assessments, responding to client needs, demonstrating leadership in planning and executing dishes.
  • Explore International influence on cuisine.

  • Resource management- Manage time, ingredients, equipment while negotiating with staff while using research skills, devices and classmates to complete assessment criteria. 
  • Develop cookery techniques to cover a wide range of ingredients and methods. 
  • Applied academic skills- read, write, interpret, discern and apply knowledge of food safety, cookery techniques and cultural influences.
  • Develop strategies for safe knife use, storage and maintenance. 


Year Levels/Departments:

Foods and Hospitality, Seniors

Resources Required

Covered shoes for practical lessons.